We all have things in our lives that we want to do, or know that would be good for us, but that we put off for a litany of reasons. Oftentimes the reasons make perfect sense. You may have always wanted to learn a new language, but classes are too expensive. Or you may have a burning desire to travel to foreign country, but nobody will go with you. Perhaps you have the great American novel rattling around in your brain, but just haven’t had the time to sit down and put it to paper.In hindsight, although our rationales still make sense, we may still feel like we’re just making excuses. Putting aside your personal interests is a reality that goes hand in hand with the constant juggling of professional obligations, family responsibilities, and day-to-day life.
At Schantz Law, attorney Chris Fanning has recently decided to stop procrastinating on his long-standing interest in training to be a triathlete. After taking up running for exercise in law school, Chris has toyed with the idea of adding swimming and cycling to his workout regimen for years. In the past few months, Chris has finally embarked upon his journey. That’s why you’ll oftentimes find him at 5 a.m. running through the park on his way to pool and then back home for a quick ride on a stationary bike.
In addition to losing weight and feeling better, Chris has unexpectedly found that it has been helpful in working with clients. Like exercise, changes in a family might not be the most enjoyable experience, but oftentimes it is good for everyone. Likewise, much like a 5 a.m. run and swim, a legal battle is not something that anybody looks forward to, but they usually do feel better once it’s over.
If you have something that you’ve always wanted to do. There’s no better time like the present to pursue those dreams. You may find that it is easier than you expected and reap unanticipated rewards.