May 22nd, 2023

Mental Health Awareness Month Tips: Talk to a Lawyer

Whether you’re listening to Sir Francis Bacon, who said “knowledge is power”, or the G.I. Joe cartoons, that said “knowing is half the battle”, the message rings true. Being left without knowing your options or what is likely to happen to you in the future can be a major source of stress and anxiety. Many issues associated with divorce and family law can give people a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety when they don’t have any kind of answer.

For example: How much does a divorce cost? How often will I get to see my children after a divorce? What will happen to my house? What are my rights during a divorce? Do I have to go see a judge to get a divorce? These are all very valid questions that, if you’re left in the dark or having to do your own internet research, can be extremely taxing on your mental health.

In our experience, it is very common for someone to come into a meeting with a divorce attorney overcome with trepidation and anxiety. Many of these people will admit that they never imagined that they would have to meet with a divorce attorney. Many will have struggled for months or years because they were afraid to hear what would happen to them if they even dared to have that conversation with a lawyer.

One of the more rewarding parts of being a divorce and family law attorney is being able to help people answer a lot of these questions and hopefully be able to reassure them that, although things will be different, the world isn’t going to end. To end a meeting with someone who was initially wrought with concern and anxiety, but who leaves expressing great relief at just knowing the answer is tremendously satisfying for divorce and family law attorneys. More importantly, it oftentimes means that the potential client has been provided with considerable relief from the strain on their mental health. Even when the potential outcome is not perfect or not even favorable, being aware of what they are facing and having the opportunity to be prepared can lift a substantial emotional burden from parties to a divorce of family law case.

So, in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, we provide the following tip: If you are feeling anxiety or concern about a divorce or family law case, consider meeting with an experienced divorce or family law attorney who can help answer questions, dispel myths, and help empower you to improve your life.

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