
The Drawbacks of a Bulldog Attorney

If you read the history of boxing, you might learn that, during his 1974 fight with George Foreman, the legendary boxer, Muhammad Ali, introduced a new technique. This technique emphasized the incredible importance of knowing when to make specific, deliberate moves in order to truly maximize their effectiveness. During the [...]

Four Things to Do to Have A Child-Centered Divorce or Separation

A recent video that was making the rounds on social media depicted a hard-to-imagine scenario. In the video, a father stops while he is walking his daughter down the aisle at her wedding. The father stops so that he can ask his daughter’s stepfather to join him in the honor [...]

A Brief Introduction to Spousal Support in Oregon

Oftentimes one of the more contentious issues in a divorce is the issue of spousal support, also known as “alimony”. This may be because people don’t want to pay support or they feel like they’re owed a lot more support. However, it might also be because there are no clear [...]

Who Keeps the Kids Stuff?

For anyone who has ever seen the “Lost and Found” pile at a child’s school, it might seem that children and their parents might be actively trying to rid themselves of their worldly possessions as quickly as possible. Nevertheless, a common practical problem that parents face after they have separated [...]

Mental Health Awareness Month Tips: Talk to a Lawyer

Whether you’re listening to Sir Francis Bacon, who said “knowledge is power”, or the G.I. Joe cartoons, that said “knowing is half the battle”, the message rings true. Being left without knowing your options or what is likely to happen to you in the future can be a major source [...]

Why Is My Divorce Taking So Long?

Divorce and family law disputes can be really stressful, uncomfortable experiences for everyone involved.  Understandably, people facing these cases oftentimes ask “how long does it take to get a divorce?” or “how long does a custody case take?”” The answer really depends on a lot of factors, some that are [...]

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